الجمعة، يونيو 03، 2011

mcq 1

Q1: stridor + hoarsness is clinical presentation of .........   ,  ..............
Q2 : abnormal crying + inspiratory stridor in ..........
Q3: normal crying + inspiratory stridor in ...............
Q4: persistent profuse ear discharge after acute otitis media is ............
Q5: otitic barotrauma occurs during airplane rapid ...........
( a- ascent b- descent )
Q6: T or F
In laryngeomalacia , inspiratory stridor starts soon after birth ( )
Q7: saddle nose is dt ......... , .......... ,..............
Q8: narrowest part in infantile larynx is ............
Q9: The early symptom of bell palsy is ..............
Q10 : The concept that the facial nerve supplies the auricle is related to
            a) ramsy hunt syndrome
            b) jugular foramen syndrome
            c) horner syndrome
            d) bell palsy
Q11: Unilateral polypoidal mass arising from lateral wall of nose in 55 years old man is ...........
Q12 : nasopharyngeal carcinoma cause horner syndrome as a result of infiltration of
            a) 3 th C.N
            b) 5 th C.N
            c ) 7 th C.N
            d)  cervical sympathatic chain
Q13: cyclic asphyxia is a symptom of ..............
Q14: 6 th nerve paralysis prenent in .......  , ..........   ,  .............
Q15: Chordoma is .....................  
Q16: Inhaled smooth small FB is commonley arrested in .................
Q17: most common site of T.B larynx is ...........
Q18: most common site of syphilis of larynx is ...........
Q19: most common site  of intubation granuloma is ............
Q20: trotter triads is ......., .......... ,  ............
Q21: moure sign means ............ and seen in ...............
Q22: the commenest nasal polyp is ...............

practical spots:
Q- spot :  fracture of nasal  bone
give 2 methods of ttttt
1- correction    2- closed reduction under general anesthesia    3- septorhinoplasty

Q- spot :   Septal perforation
give 2 symptoms
1- crusting    2- nasal obstruction       3- epistaxis

Q- spot :    foreign bodies in  nose
give 2 symptoms
1- unilateral nasal obstruction       2- unilateral nasal discharge (malodour)

Q1 : laryngoscleroma , croup(acute laryngeo tracheobronchitis)
Q2: congenital web
Q3: laryngeomalacia
Q4: Descent  وهى نازلة
Q5: Mastoiditis
Q6: false (x)  not sooooon but after few weeks
Q7: nasal trauma , septal abscess , overresection of septal cartilage
Q8: subglottis
Q9: pain of acute onset behind ear
نفتكرها ازاى : واحد ودنه بتوجعه نام وصحى الصبح لقى وشه معوج
Q10: (A) ramsy hunt syndrome
الوحيدة اللى ليها علاقة بالعصب السابع
Q11: inverted papilloma
Q12: Cervical sympathatic chain
Q13: Bilateral choanal atresia
Q14: nasopharyngeal carcinoma , petrositis , cavernous sinus thrombosis
Q15: locally malignant tumor للفهم فقط
Q16: Rt bronchus
Q17: post part of larynx
Q18: Ant part of larynx
Q19: subglottic region
intubation granuloma = scleroma
Q20: trotter triades in book
Q21: absence of laryngeal click and seen in hypopharyngeal tumors
Q22: ethamoidal polyp

Amr Yakout Mohamed


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